Other funding opportunities
The NSW Office for Veterans Affairs delivers the Community War Memorials Fund and the Anzac Community Grants Program.
There are also funding opportunities from other organisations for projects which support commemoration, community infrastructure such as work to war memorial halls, and work to conserve heritage. Some of these opportunities are listed below.
If you’re looking for a type of funding opportunity that is not mentioned below, please contact the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs so we can point you in the right direction if possible.
Saluting Their Service Community Commemorative GrantsThe Department of Veterans’ Affairs (Commonwealth Government) provides funding under the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program for a range of projects which preserve Australian wartime heritage, highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel, and promote appreciation and understanding of the experiences of service. |
Community Building PartnershipThe NSW Government Community Building Partnership Program supports community infrastructure projects. The program awards grants between $5,000 and $150,000 for infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental, and recreational outcomes, while also promoting community participation, inclusion and cohesion. Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations and local councils are eligible to apply. |
Heritage NSW GrantsThe NSW Government’s Heritage Grants Program provides grants to heritage owners and custodians, local government and the community, to deliver a broad range of heritage outcomes. The program is supported by the Heritage Council of NSW. |
Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure GrantsThe NSW Government's Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants provides funding to communities across NSW to support the building, renovation and fit-out of community infrastructure. Grants are available for sport and recreation facilities, arts and cultural infrastructure, as well as projects that assist communities with essential infrastructure and disaster readiness. Photo courtesy of Varuna National Writers House, Arts & Culture. |