Publications and reports

The NSW Veterans Strategy 2021-2024 and Strategy Action Plans

NSW's first Veterans Strategy and Action Plan was developed through consultation with over 2,000 veterans, their families and stakeholders through a survey, and 16 focus groups attended by more than 140 veterans and family members in 2020. Developing the Strategy and Action Plan also involved an extensive review of evidence-based research, and careful translation of this research into practical actions. The documents were released on 13 April 2021 and are available for download:

Download the NSW Veterans Strategy 2021–2024

Download the NSW Veterans Action Plan 2021–2022

Veterans Strategy Progress Report 2021–2022

The first two-year progress report on the Strategy is now available. The report provides a snapshot of the work in progress across government to recognise and assist veterans, highlighting achievements during the 2021 and 2022 period.

Download the Veterans Strategy Progress Report 2021–2022

Veterans Strategy Action Plan 2023–2024

Following the successful delivery of actions from the 2021-2022 reporting period, the second Action Plan 2023-2024 is now available. The Action plan outlines the programs, events and support provided to veterans and their families and timeframes for these to be delivered.

Download the NSW Veterans Action Plan 2023–2024

Annual Reports

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Annual Reports include information on OVA activities. You can access recent DCJ annual reports here

From 2014 to 31 March 2017, OVA was part of the Department of  Premier and Cabinet. OVA achievements during that period are reported in the Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014/15 and Annual Report 2015/16.  

The Anzac Memorial (Building) Act 1923 is allocated to the Minister for Veterans Affairs and falls administratively with the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs. The Memorial's annual reports are available on the Anzac Memorial's website at,


Before considering any work of repair, maintenance, renovation, alteration or enhancement affecting war memorials, consider what strategies are appropriate to ensure long-term conservation using the Caring for our war memorials guide.


From 2014 to 2018 Australia paid tribute to the Centenary of Anzac. Throughout the period of commemoration state and local government agencies and community groups uploaded information on their commemorative activities onto the NSW Centenary of Anzac website. The website has been archived as a permanent record of how NSW marked this important time in history.

Download a PDF of the archived website