Anzac Community Grant Recipients 2024

99 projects received support from the 2024 Anzac Community Grant Program:

Grants were awarded in February 2025.




Project title

Brief project description

Funding granted

Central Coast Commemoration Guard


Honouring the Fallen in Remembrance

Adding colour and dignity to Remembrance services at aged care facilities, schools, clubs and sporting events. The military drill that we display invokes conversation and memory in aged care residents and schools report that their students are totally engaged and promotes interest from children in Australia's involvement in all wars.


Kogarah Community Services


Historical Learnings across the generations - visit to the Anzac Memorial

Kogarah Community Services (KCS) would like to enrich our Intergenerational program by coordinating a visit to the Anzac Memorial-Hyde Park. Newly arrived students at a local Intensive English Centre alongside residents from a local Aged Care Home will be provided an opportunity to enrich their understanding of Anzac Day.


Cabra-Vale Ex-Active Servicemens Club Ltd

Canley Vale

Anzac Day Commemoration Booklet

We would like to organise a Community Anzac Day event in the Memorial Park.  This will involve the local community groups, members and the local Primary & High Schools attending. As part of this commemoration, we would like to make available a Program & Booklet for the community to keep.


Catherine Hill Bay section of Swansea RSL sub-Branch


Anzac Day Dawn Service

We are applying for funds to help us continue to provide a Dawn service at Catherine Hill Bay.  Over the years, attendance has grown and grown. Every year we plan and deliver a ceremony for the local community.


Jindabyne Chamber of Commerce


Lake Jindabyne Reflections - Stories of Service & Sacrifice

Capture and preserve the rich history and cultural heritage of the Jindabyne area. It focuses on collecting stories from key community segments. These stories are made publicly accessible through QR codes on signage linked to YouTube, installed around Lake Jindabyne, allowing locals and visitors to engage with the local history.


South Wagga Public School

Wagga Wagga

Anzac Day & Remembrance Day Ceremonies Commemorative Space

Through this project, we would like to create a space on school grounds, where ceremonies can be commemorated with the community at large. At the base of the flagpole, we would use a local business to create a metal soldier and poppy sculptures. Sculptures would be on display all year.


Beverly Hills Girls High School

Beverley Hills

Anzac Deck

We aim to promote ongoing remembrance and respect for our returned soldiers and enhance the sense of Australian spirit within our students and school community. We would change our black deck to 'Anzac Deck', by adding a paint display/Anzac art installation. We would invite a returned serviceman to inaugural opening.


Pelaw Main Public School

Pelaw Main

Educational Experience for Stage 3 Students Centred Around Key Historical War Locations in Sydney

Staff and Students in Years 5 & 6 (Stage 3) at Pelaw Main Public School, in the Lower Hunter Valley, would utilise the funding provided to engage and educate students on the former World Wars and Australia's involvement, involving an excursion to key locations in Sydney.  


Terrey Hills Public School

Terrey Hills

Anzac Path

Pathway entrance to our school will be bordered with plant native shrubs. Flagpole will have a plaque made in recognition of all service men and women. At the end of the path we would place an Anzac commemorative banner supported with sandstone blocks.


Families of Veterans Guild


Funding Commemorative Events -  Field of Remembrance 2025

Field of Remembrance is a commemorative event our organisation hosts. War Widows and Families of Veterans whose loved one has passed attend St Andrew's Cathedral and lay a personalised cross in commemoration of their loved one. There is a ceremony and luncheon afterwards. War Widows and Veteran families benefit.


Weston Public School


Preservation and Enhancement of Anzac memorial

We are seeking funding from this grant to invest in the enhancement and preservation of an established Anzac memorial at WPS. Our memorial is centred around lone pine tree, that’s seedlings were donated to us by a community member from Gallipoli.


Finley High School


Creation of Anzac Memorial area

To build a small but respectful place at the school for students to pay their respects to past and current service men and women and the war and peacetime operations they were a part of. This respectful place would be a mural, peace stone and bench.


Lake Illawarra High School

Lake Illawarra

Lake Illawarra High School Anzac commemorative mural

A commemorative Anzac Day mural will benefit students, staff, and the wider community by fostering historical awareness and respect. Activities like educational tours, remembrance ceremonies, and art discussions will enhance understanding of Anzac values. Veterans, families, and younger generations will especially benefit from its lasting tribute to sacrifice and service.


Baan Baa Community Hall Incorporated

Baan Baa

Improvement and growth of Baan Baa Anzac Day Dawn Service

Due to significant event growth, a need has been identified to purchase audio-visual equipment to improve our Anzac Day Dawn service to ensure the service can be adequately heard and is accessible to all.

The committee would like to increase our catering provisions to add social value to this event.


Bass High School

Bass Hill

Anzac Day Celebration and Commemorative Mural

Students to design and paint an Anzac mural. Our goal is to create a large artistic mural piece which commemorates and captures the ethos of Anzac. Project to be completed over four days by students. Additionally, we’d like a commemorative wreath for our celebration and to cater morning tea.


The Ulladulla & Districts Community Resources Centre


Memoirs Matter

Oral histories of the Southern Shoalhaven -a collection of personal memoirs which can be accessed by family, friends and the broader community. Conduct interviews  with veterans, editing for approval for publication. Organizing printing, negotiations with each participant will take place to ensure respect, individual signed approval for publication. 


South Coogee Public School

South Coogee

Defence Commemorative Area

The Defence Commemorative Area will be a focal point for school commemorations and a gathering place for the Defence Community. It will instil pride and belonging in defence students, connecting them to a legacy of service and sacrifice while fostering unity, respect, and gratitude within the school. 


Sutton and District Community Association Incorporated


Anzac Day Dawn Service 2025

To provide a public Anzac Day Dawn Service at Sutton village on 25 April 2025.

The main objectives of the service are to enhance public recognition of Australia’s military service, to educate a new generation, and to support the NSW veteran community. All cash donations will go to Legacy Australia.


Dudley War Memorial Land Manager


Anzac Day 2025

The local community will benefit from this event as each year our service grows and infrastructure demands to host this event for the whole community also grow. We are seeing increasing attendance with 2000 plus attendees for our event from Dudley and neighbouring suburbs. We aim to continue this growth.


Wirreanda Public School


Anzac Memorial Garden

Wirreanda has the largest enrolment of RAAF families in the southern hemisphere and close ties with RAAF Base at Williamtown. To makeover the Anzac memorial garden in the school with new native plantings, a mural and a special commemorative plaque to recognise the important ties between the school and Defence.


West Wallsend and District Anzac Day Group Incorporated

West Wallsend 

West Wallsend Anzac Day Service 2025

Our program will provide an Anzac Day commemoration service for our district.

By having a local event we are engaging children from our local schools, community groups and providing access to the disadvantaged and the elderly to pay their respects to war veterans and engage in our service.


Rotary Club of Mullumbimby Inc

Brunswick Heads

Anzac Dawn Service Community Day

Supporting the local RSL sub-Branch at the Dawn Service.

Engaging school children to participate in colouring and essay writing with aim to educate, on the story of the Anzacs'.

Bringing the community together after the Dawn Service by providing a Free BBQ to encourage conversation and commemoration.


Newcastle and Hunter Combined Schools ANZAC Service Inc


69th Combined Schools Anzac Service - Women at War, their Australian experience

Commemoration and recognition of Australian and the region's Women who have served in times of conflict and war. The 2025 event aims to promote understanding of the role of women in Australia's armed services.

The outcomes are to educate the mainly stage 3 student audience and the wider community.


Goulburn Mulwaree Council


Upgrading and enhancing the display of the highly significant CEW Bean Military Collection

This project seeks to upgrade one showcase that will enable a more dynamic and less cramped display of the highly significant CEW Bean Military Collection. The impact of the project will provide visitors with a better appreciation and understanding of the experiences of Australian service personnel during the Great War.


Cardiff RSL sub-Branch


Anzac Day 2025

Dawn service to be conducted at Cardiff then a main service at Belmont to honour Veterans,

These Anzac Day services will hopefully remind our community and younger generations of those who service our country so that we can live under a democratic way of life.


Medowie RSL sub-Branch


Remembrance Memorial War Animal Garden

Our Local Community has many Ex-military dog handlers and current RAAF Williamtown handlers, the community has asked the sub-Branch to look into a War Animal memorial Garden, where people can sit and quietly reflect on not only war animals, but family members lost in battle. Our whole community will benefit.


Thirlmere Public School


Thirlmere Public School Memorial Plaque and solider silhouette  memorial garden

Students, families, staff, community members and our local RSL sub-Branch will benefit having a permanent memorial for our Anzac Day and Remembrance day ceremonies. This memorial garden will be a place to lay wreaths and for all involved to pay respect and reflect on our fallen soldiers.




Anzac Day Ride 2025

An inclusive Motorcycle Ride from Newcastle to Bowraville in rural and regional New South Wales on Anzac Day to acknowledge the service of our Australian Defence Force Men and Women who have served, or who are currently serving.

The Ride will visit sub-Branches along the way.


We're Here  -  In the Nambucca Valley, CARE Nambucca Valley Council


The Nambucca Valley - a welcoming place to relocate to after ADF - printing of booklets for distribution

Members of our Committee regularly attend ADF Transition Seminars, and speak with attendees providing advice, information and encouragement in regards to consideration of relocation to our regional area. This grant would provide funding to  cover the cost of printing of 150 booklets detailing benefits of relocating to the Nambucca Valley.


Strathfield Municipal Council


Anzac Day Memorial Service

In collaboration with the Cumberland RSL sub-Branch, the Anzac Day Memorial Service is a free event featuring an armed forces band, catafalque party, memorial program, wreath laying and morning tea. The event has grown in audience size as residents appreciate the opportunity to remember and pay respect.


The Ary Toukley


Keeping The Spirit Alive Heritage Shirt Initiative

Keeping The Spirit Alive Heritage Shirt initiative is to enable our employees to embrace our heritage and wear the shirts on RSL commemorative days.


Samuel Gilbert Public School

Castle Hill

Anzac Memorial Garden

Dedication to all the men and women who served in conflicts in which Australia has been involved. Students, past, present and future will benefit from the garden as it serves as a place for reflection. Anzac Day and Remembrance Day services will be held for students at the garden.


Epping Heights Public School


Commemorative Anzac Mural

EHPS's project is to create a mural as the background feature for our Anzac and Remembrance Day Services. It will provide an educational opportunity for our school community members on Australian War History. This is especially vital in our school where 83% of students are from non-English speaking backgrounds.


Blayney Shire Council


Blayney and Millthorpe Anzac Day Services

Blayney and Millthorpe hold annual Anzac Day marches and services. As part of the March there are significant costs to traffic control due to closures on the state highway (Millthorpe road). There is wide community benefit in this event in honouring fallen and veteran service men and women.


310 (City of Tamworth) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets


310SQN Canberra Memorial Trip

Cadets and staff from 310 (City of Tamworth) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets will travel to Canberra to visit the Australian War Memorial and other significant Australian Military memorials and sites. 310SQN will also visit the Australian Defence Force Academy and Royal Military College Duntroon.


Narrabri RSL sub-Branch


Community Grants to Purchase Speakers for Narrabri West Anzac Day Service

Narrabri RSL sub-Branch wishes to purchase speakers, a microphone and iPad to support our Anzac Day Services at the Narrabri West War Memorial and other official functions such as funerals of veterans. 


St John the Evangelist Catholic High School


Commemorative Garden

We are a school in Nowra with 100 defence students. We would like to make a garden with murals on the bricks near our cafe area to show respect and honour for our past and serving military members.


Yetman Public School


Anzac Day Memorial

A memorial with sculptures of red poppies at the base of the flagpole in front of the main school building. Yetman Public School hosts both Anzac Day and Remembrance Day services for our students, staff and the community so we would also like to add some bench seats.


Padstow Park Public School


Anzac Reflection area

Our project includes updating our existing memorial garden and including an Anzac mural on the external wall of a nearby building which will provide a daily visual reminder to the school community of the service and sacrifice of our Anzacs.


Wagga Wagga City Council

Wagga Wagga

Victory Memorial Gardens Landscaping Project

The Eternal Flame at the Victory Memorial Gardens requires remediation to be completed by Wagga Wagga City Council.  Landscaping and gardening will be required after the water issues on the outside wall at ground level of the memorial have been restored.


NSW National Servicemen’s Assoc and Affilicates Assoc Gosford City Sub Branch


Nasho Coach tour

We wish to hire a coach to take our members to the Army Museum at Singleton.

We will pick up and drop off our attendees at Gosford RSL.

At the Singleton we will inspect the museum and stop for lunch at attendees own expense, then return to Gosford.


Milton Ulladulla RSL sub-Branch


Anzac Day March through Milton 2025

The Milton Ulladulla RSL sub-Branch holds a march through Milton Town Centre each Anzac Day.


Quakers Hill Junior Rugby League Club

 Acacia Gardens

The Destroyers Honor the Anzacs

We'll provide the coaches of our teams with Anzac Day shirts. These will be worn during Penrith Junior Rugby League's Anzac round and while attending the Dawn Service. Our club proudly pays tribute to servicemen & women each year and this will assist in doing so in a broader manner.


Sydney Legacy


Anzac Day Legacy Beneficiary Event

The event, held alongside the Anzac March in Sydney, allows veterans’ families on Anzac Day to gather, reflect, and honour their partner or parent collectively. Widows/ers and children can cheer on marching veterans and connect with others who have shared experiences and sacrifices on this significant and commemorative day.


Veterans Instameet

 Elizabeth Hills

Veterans Instameet - Anzac Portraits

We will be teaming up with the Anzac Memorial on 25th April 2025 to conduct free portraits for any veterans who come into the Memorial. We are looking for funding to purchase the equipment needed for the flashes and backdrops.


Mary MacKillop Catholic College


Commemoration Events and Services

The grant will fund Anzac Commemoration services and create sacred spaces for commemoration across our college, offering our low-SES students, including refugees and migrants, meaningful opportunities to engage with and honour Australian heritage and the Anzac legacy.


Moama RSL sub-Branch


Moama RSL Anzac Day March

We seek funding to assist hiring of traffic management personnel to prepare planning and permits to close traffic, to allow our sub-Branch Veterans, local returned service men and women and their descendants to March in honor and memory whilst being acknowledged for their sacrifices by onlookers from the local public.


Yass Valley Council*


Yass Valley Anzac Day Commemorations 2024

This grant will support traffic control for Yass Valley's Anzac Day commemorations, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for veterans, families, and the wider community. The outcome will be a well organised, smooth flowing event, allowing attendees to gather and pay their respects without safety concerns or disruptions.


Orange City Council


Anzac Day March and Service

Supporting Anzac Day services and March through the main street of Orange.


Wangi Wangi RSL sub-Branch

Wangi Wangi

2025 Anzac Day Commemorative Day Dawn, March and Main Service

Anzac Day Dawn Service, March then main Service.   Includes Sub-Branch Members, Veterans, families of deceased families, ANZAC descendants, New Zealand Community, Historic Military Vehicles, Police & Fire Brigade, Scouts and 3 local schools plus more. This event requires traffic management and Road Closures (urban terrorism) vehicles.


Waterfall Public School


Growing Remembrance: The Anzac Garden & Mural Project

The project will expand the Anzac Garden and create a student-designed commemorative mural. It will provide hands-on learning opportunities, helping students understand and appreciate Anzac history. The project fosters stronger connections between the school and community, creating a space for reflection and intergenerational dialogue about Anzac values.


St Michaels Catholic Primary School Nowra


Anzac Mural

I want to promote appreciation and understanding of the service and sacrifice of military service personnel or support activities and services to enhance the well-being of the NSW community.


Barham High School


Barham HS Anzac Services

Barham High School will purchase a number of marching banners so that students can help commemorate Anzac ceremonies at numerous services simultaneously. BHS students typically march at Barham, Koondrook, Murrabit, Moulamein and Wakool services each year. If able we will also install a mural at school.


Cassilis Public School


Remembrance Garden

This project aims to create a commemorative garden at the front entrance of the school, serving as a daily reminder to our entire school community and visitors, of the sacrifice and service of all our defence force personnel.


Wyalong Public School


Honouring Wyalong's Fallen: Story Signage and Red Gallipoli Roses to Commemorate Past Students' Service

This initiative benefits students, community members, and families of past students by providing visible signage that shares the stories of ex-students who fell in service. By planting red Gallipoli roses along the new fence, we’ll create a commemorative border that enhances remembrance and educates all visitors, even outside school hours.


Jannali East Public School Parents & Citizens Association


Exploring the Anzac Legacy: A Journey to the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway

Our project supports year 5/6 students and teachers to undertake an experiential learning activity, exploring Australia's role in WW2 via a visit to the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway in Concord West. On return, the stage 3 students will create an educational short film to be shared with students from K-6.


Barrenjoey High School

Avalon Beach

Barrenjoey Anzac Tribute

The initiative will see the delivery of a large mural inspired by he Anzac tradition involving students and community. The school will draw on its artist in residence program to engage students in a learning process involving the historical significance of the Anzacs and the enduring need for remembrance.


Mudgee RSL sub-Branch


2025 Anzac Day Mudgee audio-visual equipment and professional service hire

For Anzac Day commemorations we hire audio-visual equipment and the professionals to run the lighting and sound for the Dawn Service, and Main Service which includes the podium, the Cenotaph, the Rotunda, and the choir. This initiative will benefit the veterans, and the community members of Mudgee attending the service.


RSL LifeCare Ltd

St Leonards

A commemorative war mural which aims to honour members of the ADF past and present

The mural will preserve memory , foster unity and educate future generations.  Acknowledging and highlighting the sacrifices our service personnel have made.  It will provide recognition and a sense of pride.  Local schools / groups will be invited to view the mural and reflect.


Culburra Beach - Orient Point RSL sub-Branch

Culburra Beach

Memorial Events Public Address Upgrade

Culburra Beach-Orient Point RSL sub-Branch are seeking funds to upgrade our public address (PA) system that is used at the memorial so that veterans and visitors can adequately hear the proceeding and speeches. Specifically, those attending  our memorial services are spilling out beyond the confines of the memorial.


Soldier On


Veteran and Family Members Personal & Professional Development Resource Packs

Our "Veteran and Family Members Personal & Professional Development Resource Packs" project provides veterans and their families with tools for career and personal growth. These packs include practical exercises, strategies, and access to support services, helping them align their passions with their values for fulfilling personal and professional lives.




Victory in the Pacific Day Commemoration

The Victory in the Pacific Day Commemoration is a public commemoration held on 15 August to commemorate the cessation of hostilities in the Second World War on 15 August 1945. In 2025, we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Pacific Day.




Middle East Area of Operations Commemoration

The inaugural service was held in 2024 at the Cenotaph in Martin Place on 11 July 2024. RSL NSW will again be holding this service where we honour the service and sacrifice of those who served in recent conflicts, whilst educating the public about this period in Australia's wartime history.


Oberon Council


Burraga War Memorial Park Refresh

Burraga War Memorial Park honours WWI and WWII with a stone obelisk and marble plaques. Due to aging, the park no longer reflects its intended dignity, prompting families to gather elsewhere. This is challenging for the community, as the nearest memorial site is 50 km away in Oberon.


Snowy Valleys Heroes Inc.


Purchase of a portable Public Address System

At 23 Festivals, Events and Markets promote Veterans Service, Healthcare and Wellbeing. Also an annual Schools Competition & Event. Our events benefit families of all Defence personnel, students & communities across greater NSW. Our outcome is to have families recognize our cause and provide increased support and fundraising.


Easylink Community Services Limited

Dee Why

Diggers Shuttle

This proposal seeks funding to establish a regular bus service from Anzac Village in Narrabeen to local shops, aimed at supporting the NSW veteran community. The service will facilitate access to essential services, social activities, and community engagement, thereby enhancing the health and wellbeing of veterans.


Shellharbour City Council


Anzac Day Commemoration Service 2025

Each year, Shellharbour City Council delivers a seamless and dignified Anzac Day commemorative service that honors the legacy of our veterans. The ceremony is held with the support of our local RSL branches Warilla and Abion Park and includes hymns and anthems, a wreath laying ceremony and a ceremonial flyover.


Uralla Memorial Literary Institute Inc


Uralla Memorial Literary Institute Inc Upgrade and additions of memorial Displays dedicated to local Uralla Service Personnel

To provide additional electronic and easily updated displays including holographic and video displays of service personnel born in Uralla and also those who chose to reside in Uralla. These displays are to educate both locals and visitors of the dedication to our country of those fallen soldiers.


Community Wheels Inc.


Honoring Heroes: A Memorable Anzac Memorial Tour for Seniors

This project will take 20 seniors, including CALD individuals and those over 55, on a guided tour of the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park. Participants will enjoy door-to-door transportation via Community Wheels bus and receive a lunch pack, promoting connection, reflection, and appreciation for our veterans’ sacrifices.


City of Canada Bay Council


They Answered Their Country's Call

A volunteer from the City of Canada Bay Heritage Society has has created brief biographical files for the 1,800 soldiers and nurses named in the Canada Bay WW1 More Than Just a Name Project. We will improve the format and make the files available via Trove.


Tomaree Museum Association Inc


Acquire Female Mannequin and Replica of WW1 Infantry Uniform

The above items will be acquired for our displays at Anzac Day 2025 and further events. The project helps the community and visitors to understand and appreciate the events that occurred in Port Stephens during WW2 and the service of Australian Army, RAAF and RAN members in this conflict.


Adamstown Public School


Remembrance Garden

We would like to put commemorative seating around our school Lone Pine and Rosemary Garden to pay tribute to all of the Defence families at APS. We would also include a plaque on our seating to recognise the commitment and sacrifice these families have made to our community and Nation.


Kiama Council (Kiama Library Service)


Anzac Day Tribute by Young Hands

Kiama Council, in partnership with Jamberoo Public School will deliver an Anzac Day project that fosters creativity and remembrance. Students will craft ceramic poppies to be placed in the school's sensory garden, creating a meaningful display that honours the service and sacrifice of the military community.


Story Telling Assistant Inc


HERstory: Remembering Australia's Military Women

The HERstory: Remembering Australia's Military Women project aims to promote, appreciate, understand and share the varied experiences of women who have served through the years from 1941 until to recent years. The traveling exhibition will bring these women's portraits, transcripts and audio to the wider audience of New South Wales.


Moruya RSL sub-Branch


No. 11 Operational Base Unit RAAF Museum

A newly established museum detailing the WW2 RAAF air base & Maritime Patrol + Army Volunteer Defence Corps operating from Moruya during the 1939-1945 war.


Empire Bay Progress Association

Empire Bay

Empire Bay Anzac Day Ceremony Hosting Costs

The Empire Bay Progress Association hosts the annual Anzac Day ceremony. Approximately 700-800 people attend including veteran associations, local schools and dignitaries. Buglers, pipers, drummers, local schools all participate with local  individuals performing the Australian and New Zealand national anthems. Everyone in attendance benefits from this initiative.


Tomaree Public School

Salamander Bay

Tomaree Public School Memorial Garden

We would like to establish a memorial garden behind the flags situated in the main area of the school. The garden will be a lasting place of reverence, for the whole school community to reflect on the sacrifices that our ex & current servicemen and women have endured.


HMAS Sydney Association

Five Dock

HMAS SYDNEY II Wreath Laying and Memorial Service

Wreath Laying and Memorial Service remembering the battle between HMAS SYDNEY and KSK Kormoran and the sinking of SYDNEY and the loss of her crew of 645 in the Indian Ocean on 19 November 1941. This is the 83rd anniversary and the 35th year this ceremony has been held.


Reflections Holiday Park - Seal Rocks

Seal Rocks

Seal Rocks Anzac Dawn Service 2025

Our Anzac Dawn service is held at Reflections Seal Rocks. We engage local musicians, school children from Bungwahl Public school, community members and tourists. We have a horse rider on the beach which provides a meaningful tribute to the Lighthorse brigade. Our service has become a ‘must attend’ by locals.


North Sydney Boys High School

North Sydney

NSB Project Archive

NSB Project Archive will focus on preserving and educating both our community and the public, through the recognition and commemoration of our alumni. We will create a graphic wall depicting the timeline of alumni with their bios through history and develop website interviews to document the alumni experiences and reflections.


RSL LifeCare Ltd

St Leonards

Regenerate and reinvigorate local museum to inspire and make more accessible to the local community

ANZAC Village War Memorial Museum,  is an incredible resource but hasn't moved with the times. The space will be made more attractive and suitable to local schools, families and the community by adding bright call to action boards, interactive voiceovers, and providing engaging options for enhancing visitors experience & learning.


Anson Street School


Preserving Our ANZAC Heritage: Installation of new Plaque and Curbing to Honor Service and Sacrifice

We are in great need of a new ANZAC flagpole plaque and garden curbing to enhance and preserve the space where we gather to reflect, respect and honor the service and sacrifice of our military personnel. This project will ensure a lasting tribute for future generations.


New South Wales Lancers' Memorial Museum Inc


Memorial Wall Enhancement

Enhance existing Memorial Wall by mounting a black powder coated aluminium relief of a light horseman to the left and a matilda tank to the right signifying the major conflicts the Regiment (1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers, WW1 as light horse, WW2 as a tank regiment) took part in.


Maitland RSL sub-Branch


The run Anzac Days and Remembrance days

The cost of traffic control, police, seating, PA System and looking after special guests in cars.


Rural Outreach Counselling

Wagga Wagga 

Stars & Stories: A Night for Our Heroes

Outdoor cinema event for veterans and their families, cross generational event to celebrate our veteran community in a fun and connected way.

A relaxed environment, under the stars, for veterans to gather, feel connected and supported, to catch up with old mates, and share a laugh (or a tear)


Waverley Council

Bondi Junction

2025 Anzac Day Service

Waverley Council partners with the Bondi Junction/Waverley RSL sub-Branch in hosting the Anzac Day service at the Waverley Memorial Gardens. This service in Waverley is a day of remembrance of all Australians. More than 8000 Australian soldiers were killed in battle, including hundreds from the Waverley local government area.


Broken Hill Military Museum Inc

Broken Hill

BHMM Display Cabinets

The aim of this project is to enhance the Broken Hill Military Museum’s new location by acquiring a high-quality glass display cabinet, with a particular focus on displaying the extensive medal collection.


Schofields Junior Rugby League Club Incorporated

Quakers Hill

2025 Anzac Day Club Jerseys

Last year, with grant support, we created ANZAC jerseys for our U13 teams and honoured veterans at the dawn service. This year, we aim to involve more players by outfitting our U12 and U14 boys and girls teams, deepening our club’s commitment to the ANZAC legacy.


Cowra Rugby League Inc


Cowra Magpies Anzac Commemorative Week

A Week of education culminating in a Day of Rugby League wearing commemorative Jerseys with RSL members and Veterans service providers as guests. Activities to raise awareness and education of the ANZAC movement and the role of the RSL Sub Branch in Cowra. A concept inline with NRL ANZAC Round. 


Karuah RSL sub-Branch


Memorial, Plaque display and Community Memorabilia Landscaping and Gardening

The community Memorial and Memorabilia Display urgently requires the surrounding garden beds relaced due to aging and rotting, the soil within the garden beds replaced, and all current Rosemary plants, most of which have either died or aged to the point rotting, and wooden mulch included.


Callara Culture & Heritage Aboriginal Corporation


Descendants of Jacky Sloan of the Lachlan River

Research & produce a book about the history & story of Wiradjuri man Jacky Sloan & the stories of his descendants who served in WW1 & WW2, Book launch & Art exhibition "Battle Scars" will be held at Forbes Services Club, Commemorative Service & wreath laying at Eugowra Memorial Park.


Consortium of Tamil Associations NSW Inc


NSW Tamil Community Anzac Day commemoration eventation

The Anzac Day commemoration event organised by the Consortium of Tamil Associations NSW Inc annually over the past nine years. This event is held at the Wentworthville RSL club grounds with the flag racing, commemoration speeches and cultural events with the attendance of tamil community members, parliamentarians and service personal.


Vietnamese Community in Wollongong


Vietnamese Community In Wollongong - The Anzac Day 2025

Yearly, the Vietnamese Community in Wollongong participates in the Anzac Day march organised by the Wollongong City Council. When the march ends, the Community holds a memorial event  to pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of Australian veterans in the Vietnam War at the Vietnamese monument at McCabe Park.


Old Bar Beach RSL sub-Branch

Old Bar

Anzac Day and Remembrance Day 2025 - Public event, march, service, presentation and celebration

There will be a March, and commemorative service open to all of OldBar. Outcomes include Commemoration and Remembrance- Honoring the fallen and preserving history. Helping future generations understand the significance of these events, as well as community and social connection, unity and reflection on service, sacrifices, bravery, mateship and peace.


Ourimbah Lisarow RSL sub-Branch


Grant to support the Anzac Day commemoration in 2025

The sub-Branch conducts a highly organised  set of services on Anzac Day each year. This includes a Dawn Service, an afternoon march and an Afternoon Service in which ceremonial activities provide an educative and participatory opportunity for the local community and students from local schools to present readings Anzac.


Padstow RSL Club



Padstow RSL Memorabilia

Contribute towards the purchase of replica wartime memorabilia.


Randwick City Council


Anzac Day street banners

The grant would go towards the printing cost of 114 street banners that raise awareness of Anzac Day and promote Randwick City Council's Anzac Dawn Service event at Coogee on 25 April 2025. The banners will be installed at 10 locations across the Randwick LGA, for about four weeks. 


Hunter's Hill Council

Hunters Hill

Hunters Hill Combined Anzac March and Memorial Service

The 102nd Combined Anzac March and Memorial Service is held on an evening before Anzac Day. The march begins at the RSL Memorial Hall and concludes with a memorial service at Hunters Hill Town Hall with a guest speaker, local clergy, community participation and memorial booklets.


Picton ANZAC Day Committee Incorporated


New Sound/PA system for Annual Program of Commemorative Services in Picton, NSW!

We would like to purchase a sound/PA system to be used at our annual program of commemorative events such as Anzac Day, Veterans Day, Remembrance Day and our annual Memorial Dinner. We are very reliant on loaning a PA/Sound system from local businesses and would benefit in having our own.


*Note: The Anzac Community Grant awarded to Yass Valley Council was withdrawn.