100 years young: Conserving the Gosford Cenotaph for its centenary

100 years young: Conserving the Gosford Cenotaph for its centenary

Gosford RSL sub-Branch was awarded three Community War Memorials Fund (CWMF) grants from 2021 to 2023 to support the much-needed conservation of the Gosford Cenotaph ahead of its centenary in 2024.

Located in Gosford Memorial Park, the sandstone war memorial was designed by famed Sydney-based architect and First World War veteran Gordon Samuel Keesing in 1923 and unveiled on Anzac Day, 25 April 1924.

Local historian, Ms Merril Jackson OAM, volunteered to manage the project in collaboration with the sub-Branch, and she has shared her experience of the process with the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs.

“The Gosford Cenotaph conservation project was of utmost importance to undertake, primarily because of the extremely poor condition of the memorial, and secondly, the war memorial is approaching its 100-year centenary on Anzac Day 2024.”
— Merril Jackson

The importance of research and planning

In late 2021, the sub-Branch was awarded a CWMF grant for $4,285 to engage Elisha Long of Long Blackledge Architects to prepare a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the memorial. Her extensive report was an essential first step in planning for the physical conservation works to come. It was used by Ms Jackson and the sub-Branch throughout the multi-stage project. 

“The CMP contents provided a rich history of Gosford Cenotaph, its cultural significance, a condition assessment and, as part of a Heritage Asset Action Plan, conservation recommendations to be addressed in the impending conservation work. This CMP contained the best heritage principles and practices to guide the conservation project and beyond.

[Ms Long’s] assessment revealed that past poor restoration work had damaged the stone surface, with evidence suggesting the former adverse use of bleach, acid treatments, sealant, and use of excessive high pressure jet-propelled washing, etc. Little to no mortar remained to seal the joints from water and pollution, with the lack of mortar assisting seedlings to settle and grow in hollow cavities and cracks. Left undetected, later removal of sapling growth from cracks caused further damage to the stone surface. The former detrimental use of high-pressure jet cleaning on the cenotaph surface has also weakened the joint strength and solidity.”

— Merril Jackson


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 Elisha Long of Long Blackledge Architects inspecting the Gosford Cenotaph to prepare the CMP. Photos courtesy of Merril Jackson OAM, 2022.

A staged approach to physical conservation

Armed with the comprehensive CMP, Ms Jackson and the sub-Branch approached the expert stonework conservators at Rookwood General Cemetery. Rookwood visited the site in person and then provided a detailed written quote, which included a clear explanation of the work to be done, the methods to be used and recommended a staged approach. Their quote and approach were also guided by the recommendations in the CMP. 

“Due to the deteriorated condition and enormity of the conservation work involved, a sectional approach was necessary, with the upper half of the monument targeted to begin the process.”

— Merril Jackson

The sub-Branch were successful in receiving a CWMF grant of $9,999 in September 2022 to undertake the first stage of works to the upper half of the memorial. 

"This conservation work involved cleaning the stonework to remove biological growth, dirt, and pollution. The memorial joints were then raked, mortar repointed, and damaged stone gaps and cracks repaired, followed by a monument wrapping process to slow-cure the mortar and destroy any further engrained biological growth."

— Merril Jackson


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 Stage 1 works to the upper half of the memorial undertaken by Rookwood General Cemetery. Photos courtesy of Merril Jackson OAM, 2023.

Stage 2 of the physical conservation works focussed on the stonework of the lower half of the memorial, excluding work to the plaques and lettering. Having acquitted their first two CWMF grants, Ms Jackson and the sub-Branch applied for a third grant, based on a new quote from Rookwood. They were successful in receiving a further $9,999 from the CWMF in June 2023. Similarly to stage 1, and following the CMP, stage 2 involved cleaning, removing biological growth, joint raking, mortar repointing, repairs to stonework and an application of a biocide to the overall memorial. 


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 Stage 2 works to the lower half of the memorial undertaken by Rookwood General Cemetery. Photos courtesy of Merril Jackson OAM, 2023.

Recognition and remembrance

The Gosford Cenotaph has stood as a symbol of the service and sacrifice of the region’s service men and women since 1924. It holds unique importance to the community and has a special role in commemorative ceremonies. Thanks to the conservation works that took place in 2022–2023, hundreds of attendees were able to gather at the memorial to attend the 2023 Anzac Day morning ceremony and see the transformation firsthand. 

“The NSW Government funding received enabled the Gosford RSL sub-Branch to engage conservation specialists to complete the work for this public memorial.

Thank you to the NSW Government for providing funding through the Community War Memorials Fund, as this financial support is vital to ensure our war memorials throughout NSW retain the nobleness and dignity expected for the selfless sacrifices given in service of our country.”

— Merril Jackson

The Community War Memorials Fund provides grants of up to $10,000 to support the repair, protection, and conservation of community war memorials across the state, including specialist heritage advice and physical work.

For more information and to apply, click here.

Read about the history of the Gosford Cenotaph and Gordan Samuel Keesing on the NSW War Memorials Register

Note: Conservation work to all bronze and metal alloy elements on the memorial was undertaken by O’Sullivan Conservation and sponsored by the Gosford RSL sub-Branch, local businesses, and organisations.


Project photos


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 Before conservation. Photos courtesy of Merril Jackson OAM, 2023.


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 During stage 1 conservation works undertaken by Rookwood General Cemetery. Photos courtesy of Merril Jackson OAM, 2023.


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 After conservation. Photos courtesy of Merril Jackson OAM, 2023.